Glittering flashes of light; vivacity and wit
The Sparkle of Tinnley Organization is a non-profit that hopes to spread Tinnley's light and spirit by sharing something she loved- dress-up and magical play- with kids who need it most. The ultimate goal with Sparkle of Tinnley is to provide magical pop-up play experiences to kids in-hospital. TInnley loved dress up so we'd like to bring dress-up to kids in the hospital and allow them to take home whichever outfits and accessories they choose. We'd also like to create mobile playscapes to bring to hospital playrooms!
Our Inspiration
Tinnley was a healthy, happy, goofy, normal 1 1/2 year old until it seemed like very suddenly she wasn’t. She had what seemed like a cold and teething, plus some toddler bruising, until she started to seem very lethargic on a family vacation and got some red spots so we took her to the emergency room. Over the course of the next week we learned that Tinnley had pediatric AML leukemia, and a more rare/difficult form at that. Tinnley underwent 3 rounds of incredibly strong chemotherapy before also receiving a bone marrow transplant that ultimately didn’t work to stave off her complex disease. After this, we worked with her team of doctors to try every possible thing to manage her disease and give her as much time as possible. Tinnley passed away October 22, 2018 at home, surrounded by so much love, after over 170 days in hospital, 77 blood transfusions and many tests, procedures, meds and pokes- all of which she did with her goofy smile and so much love. She impacted so many with her energy and smile. Throughout all those hospital days she didn’t get much opportunity to dress-up, which was one of her favorite things to do at home. So in an effort to keep her light, memory, and the things that she loves alive many people that love her came together to create this special organization in her honor.
Photo courtesy of Flashes of Hope by Lisa Whitmore Photography

Magical play
Letting kids be kids no matter the circumstances
Spreading some sparkle to those who need encouragement while undergoing medical treatment.
Helps build confidence and boosts moral & kids get to select and keep their items.
Customized care packages
Boxes of sparkle customized to each child's interests filled with toys, arts and crafts or activities.
In-hospital pop-up play
Imaginary play to lift spirits and heal.

Leave a little sparkle wherever you go.
Photo courtesy of Flashes of Hope by Lisa Whitmore Photography

Contact The Sparkle of Tinnley Organization
Santa Clarita, CA, USA